Invention Application
- Patent Title (中): DIE规模应变计
Application No.: US11933650Application Date: 2007-11-01
Publication No.: US20090114030A1Publication Date: 2009-05-07
- Inventor: Scott Irving , Yong Liu , Timwah Luk
- Applicant: Scott Irving , Yong Liu , Timwah Luk
- Main IPC: G01L9/04
- IPC: G01L9/04

A chip with resistive, metallic strain gauges distributed on surfaces on and buried within the chip. Also, vertically arranged vias and vertical thin film resistive strain gauges are described. The resistive strain gauges can be multiplexed wherein strain can be measured across the topology of the chip in each of the top, bottom and buried layers and any vertical strain. The resistive strain gauges may be in serpentine patterns and may be arranged on via or on vertical edges of grooves that extend from an upper or lower surface of the chip to buried layers. In this fashion, the distributed strain gauges may be used to map the strain throughout the body of a chip. A Kelvin bridge may be used to measure the strain, but other such measuring techniques and devices may be used.
Public/Granted literature
- US07934430B2 Die scale strain gauge Public/Granted day:2011-05-03
Information query