US20100088744A1 System For Online Compromise Tool 失效

System For Online Compromise Tool
An Activity Access Control (AAC) utility controls access to applications and devices by allowing an administrator to set terms of use/access regarding a applications and/or devices for a group of users, whose activity are monitored. The AAC utility also enables administrator and user access to a compromise facility via a centralized access point to establish or request changes to the terms of use/access. The AAC utility allows the administrator to dynamically update information and set terms based on real-time information collected during activity monitoring. Dynamic updates may also occur based on the monitored user's request, the priority of the requesting user(s), historical data, occurrence of a special event, completion of other internal or/external tasks, and/or pre-set limitations or thresholds. In addition, the AAC utility facilitates the real-time display or publishing of the terms of use, status information, and statistical information to users and the administrator.