Perpendicular spin torque oscillator FMR frequency measurement method
A method for measuring the frequency in a spin torque oscillator having at least a magnetic oscillation layer (MOL), junction layer, and magnetic reference layer (MRL) is disclosed. In a first embodiment, a small in-plane magnetic field is applied to the STO after a DC current is applied to excite the MOL into an oscillation state. The MRL has a perpendicular magnetization that is tilted slightly to give an in-plane magnetization component to serve as a reference layer for measuring the oscillation frequency of the MOL in-plane magnetization component. An AC voltage change is produced in the DC current as a result of variable STO resistance and directly correlates to MOL oscillation frequency. Alternatively, a field having both perpendicular and in-plane components may be applied externally or by forming the STO between two magnetic poles thereby producing an in-plane magnetization reference component in the MRL.