Invention Application
- Patent Title: Landfill Gas Treatment Method With Polishing and Post-Treatment Enrichment
Application No.: US15396751Application Date: 2017-01-02
Publication No.: US20170107163A1Publication Date: 2017-04-20
- Inventor: David C. Morrow , Paul D. Morrow , Luke N. Morrow
- Applicant: David C. Morrow , Paul D. Morrow , Luke N. Morrow
- Main IPC: C07C7/11
- IPC: C07C7/11 ; B01D53/14 ; C10L3/10

A method for recovering methane gas from a landfill involves the use of a main absorber, a flash system, an optional ancillary absorber and an optional polishing absorber. The recovered gas is maintained at a temperature that enhances a solvent's ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the recovered gas. While the main absorber uses the solvent for absorbing most of the carbon dioxide from the recovered gas, the flash system removes much of the carbon dioxide from the solvent exiting the main absorber. In some examples, at least portion of the flash system operates at subatmospheric pressure to create a vacuum that draws in a generally inert stripper gas (e.g., air, nitrogen, etc.) at atmospheric pressure. The stripper gas helps remove carbon dioxide from the solvent in the flash system.
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