Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Water-repellent aqueous wood-treating solutions
- Patent Title (中): 防水水性木材处理溶液
Application No.: US055894Application Date: 1979-07-09
Publication No.: US4218249APublication Date: 1980-08-19
- Inventor: Robert E. Hill
- Applicant: Robert E. Hill
- Applicant Address: PA Pittsburgh
- Assignee: Koppers Company, Inc.
- Current Assignee: Koppers Company, Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: PA Pittsburgh
- Main IPC: B27K3/26
- IPC: B27K3/26 ; B27K3/32 ; C09K3/18
Aqueous wood- and paper-treating solutions are provided of hexavalent chromium and, optionally, copper or copper-arsenic mixtures with aluminum halohydrates in an acid medium which provide increased water repellency.
Public/Granted literature
- USD382376S Hummingbird feeder Public/Granted day:1997-08-12
Information query