Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Coupling device
- Patent Title (中): 耦合装置
Application No.: US119430Application Date: 1980-02-07
Publication No.: US4329079APublication Date: 1982-05-11
- Inventor: Ebbe G. Milding
- Applicant: Ebbe G. Milding
- Applicant Address: SEX Gothenburg
- Assignee: Molnlycke AB
- Current Assignee: Molnlycke AB
- Current Assignee Address: SEX Gothenburg
- Priority: SEX7901392 19790216
- Main IPC: F16B5/02
- IPC: F16B5/02 ; E04B1/61 ; F16B5/00 ; F16B5/06 ; F16B1/00
A device for releasably coupling together various objects includes a first profiled tube mounted on a first object, a second profiled tube mounted on a second object to be coupled together with the first object, and a locking rod. The tubes are essentially identical at least in their cross section and have a longitudinal open slot with smaller width than the cross section of the tubes. For coupling, a first circumferential portion of the first tube is inserted through the slot in the second tube, while a circumferential portion of the second tube is inserted through the slot in the first tube. Inside each tube the circumferential portion of the coacting tube is brought into contact with a portion of the interior boundary surface of the respective tube, so that the two tubes will form a sleeve-like unit. The locking rod is inserted into a cavity in this unit to lock the two tubes to each other.
Information query