US4511160A Vehicle rear wheel suspension 失效

Vehicle rear wheel suspension
A vehicle suspension mechanism including a wheel hub carrying a vehicle rear wheel for rotation about its axis of rotation, a pair of lateral links extending substantially transversely and having inward ends connected with the vehicle body for vertical and fore-and-aft swinging movements. The lateral links have outward ends swingably connected with the wheel hub, with the longitudinal distance between the inward ends of the lateral links being larger than the longitudinal distance between the outward ends whereby a toe-in displacement is produced in the rear wheel when the wheel hub means is rearwardly displaced. The suspension mechanism further includes a longitudinal link having one end swingably connected with the vehicle body and the other end swingably connected with the wheel hub and a suspension strut assembly secured to the wheel hub and swingably connected with the vehicle body. The longitudinal link is inclined rearwardly and downwardly with respect to a line passing through the inward ends of the lateral links and a toe-in displacement is produced in the rear wheel when the rear wheel is upwardly bumped.