Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Panel installation
- Patent Title (中): 面板安装
Application No.: US751066Application Date: 1985-07-02
Publication No.: US4603528APublication Date: 1986-08-05
- Inventor: Helmut Sigerist
- Applicant: Helmut Sigerist
- Applicant Address: CAX Vancouver
- Assignee: Venturetech Enterprises, Inc.
- Current Assignee: Venturetech Enterprises, Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: CAX Vancouver
- Main IPC: E04F13/08
- IPC: E04F13/08 ; E04F19/06 ; E04C1/34
A panel installation comprising a layer of panel pieces supported on a supporting surface. An anchoring element secures adjacent pieces to the supporting surface which has wing flanges seated in slots presented by adjacent panel pieces. A cover strip seats within a receptor channel defined in an anchoring element.
Public/Granted literature
- US5868240A Spring conveyor apparatus Public/Granted day:1999-02-09
Information query