US4659338A Fuel compositions for lessening valve seat recession 失效

Fuel compositions for lessening valve seat recession
A fuel composition for internal combustion engines, and more particularly, a fuel composition for internal combustion engines containing less than about 0.5 gram of lead per liter of fuel is described. The fuel composition comprises a major amount of a liquid hydrocarbon fuel and a minor, property improving amount of(A) at least one hydrocarbon-soluble alkali or alkaline earth metal-containing composition, and(B) at least one hydrocarbon-soluble ashless dispersant.When a mixture of the metal-containing composition (A) and the ashless dispersant (B) are incorporated into gasolines containing less than about 0.5 gram of lead per liter of fuel, the treated fuel exhibits improved stability and water tolerance, and when the unleaded or low lead-containing fuels of the present invention are utilized in internal combustion engines, there is a significant reduction in valve seat recession. Methods of reducing valve seat recession in internal combustion engines utilizing lead free or low lead-containing fuels also are described.