US4737215A Method of manufacturing a bundle of optical fiber parts 失效

Method of manufacturing a bundle of optical fiber parts
A predetermined number of optical fibre parts (27) is provided on a rectangular frame (1), the fibre parts extending parallel to each other along a straight line between two opposite first sides (3) of the frame. These first sides (3) comprise comb-shaped fibre guides (5) with teeth (13), between which the fibre parts (27) are guided so that the fibre guides determine a first relative distance between the fibre parts. The first sides (3) are pivotably connected to the two second sides (7) of the frame (1), which is then deformed to a parallelogram until the portions of the fibre parts (27) located inside the frame have a predetermined second relative distance. A permanent connection between the fibre parts (27) is established so that a ribbon of fibre parts is obtained. A number of such ribbons can be stacked with the interposition of strip-shaped spacers (29) to form a bundle.