Invention Grant
US4962513A Computer tomography apparatus which avoids image artifacts caused by
periodical voltage variations
- Patent Title: Computer tomography apparatus which avoids image artifacts caused by periodical voltage variations
- Patent Title (中): 计算机断层摄影装置避免周期性电压变化引起的图像伪影
Application No.: US430369Application Date: 1989-11-02
Publication No.: US4962513APublication Date: 1990-10-09
- Inventor: Guenter Schwierz , Joachim Kestler
- Applicant: Guenter Schwierz , Joachim Kestler
- Applicant Address: DEX Berlin and Munich
- Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
- Current Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
- Current Assignee Address: DEX Berlin and Munich
- Priority: EPX88119417.9 19881122
- Main IPC: A61B6/03
- IPC: A61B6/03 ; H05G1/26 ; H05G1/52
A computer tomography apparatus has a circular anode and a circular radiation detector in which a patient to be examined is disposed. An electron beam from an electron gun is deflected by a beam deflection system, fed by a line voltage, so that the focus of the electron beam on the anode orbits the patient, thereby irradiating the patient from different angular positions. The radiation attenuated by the patient is recorded by the radiation detector, and corresponding electrical signals are read-out from the radiation detector by a data acquisition system, from which an image of the patient is constructed. To avoid image artifacts due to fluctuations such as ripples in the line voltage which supplies the tomography apparatus, the beam deflection system and the data acquisition system are synchronized so that, at each of n revolutions of the focus, the focus movement and the read-out of the measured values ensue slightly phase-shifted compared to the preceding revolution relative to the ripple period of the line voltage.
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