US5543640A Logical three dimensional interconnections between integrated circuit chips using a two dimensional multi-chip module 失效

Logical three dimensional interconnections between integrated circuit
chips using a two dimensional multi-chip module
A high capacity gate array which incorporates an effectively three dimensional interconnect network. The array is formed from multiple smaller arrays which are connected to a common substrate by means of flip-chip bonding. The substrate is typically a multi-layer substrate which has interconnect lines embedded on or within it, thereby allowing a set of desired interconnections between the smaller logic cell arrays to be implemented. The contact points for connecting logic cells or arrays of cells to the substrate result from placing a multitude of solder bumps on the smaller arrays of logic cells at desired interconnect points. Connecting the interconnect point solder bumps to the multi-layer substrate then permits the individual logic cell arrays to be interconnected in a desired manner. A three dimensional interconnect network is realized by interconnecting corresponding points on different logic cell arrays so that the arrays are connected in parallel. This has the effect of producing a three dimensional interconnect network from a two dimensional arrangement of arrays or chips in a MCM package. The result is a high gate capacity logic device having an increased degree of gate utilization and shortened average interconnect distances, thereby enabling the production of complex devices which have a faster operating speed.