US5799957A Snowboard binding 失效

Snowboard binding
A snowboard binding for releasably connecting a boot to a snowboard. One embodiment of the invention includes inner and outer main bodies to receive a two-piece cleat. A second embodiment includes inner and outer hooks for hooking, and a latch for securing, a one-piece cleat. A third embodiment includes a front main body and a spring-loaded latch in a rear main body for engaging a one-piece cleat. A fourth embodiment engages a one-piece cleat with inwardly beveled, semi-circular inner and outer main bodies. A fifth embodiment engages a one-piece cleat with a front main body and a latch, fixedly mounted upon an axle, within a rear main body. The latch is biased toward the engaged position by a spring. In a sixth embodiment of the invention, a one-piece cleat is engaged with a front main body and two rear spring biased latches. In a seventh embodiment, among other things, the cleat is formed in two pieces.