Apparatus for applying reclosable fasteners to a web of film
An apparatus for applying strip fastener elements or zippers to web material includes an unwind stand holding a roll of film material, an infeed dancer arrangement of rollers, a zipper apparatus which conditions zipper material, cuts zippers and delivers zippers to a zipper feed apparatus. The zipper feed apparatus loads zippers into a sealing platen of a rotating turret. The rotating turret carries the zippers successively to a position adjacent a surface of the film and a seal bar presses the film to successive zippers to seal the zippers thereto while a new zipper is being received in a sealing platen of the turret at a loading station at a rotational position at a distance from the sealing station. The film with zippers attached is drawn downstream of the turret to a rewind dancer roll assembly and thereafter to a rewind stand for winding into a roll of zippered film.