Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Electrophoresis apparatus and method
- Patent Title (中): 电泳装置及方法
Application No.: US84041Application Date: 1998-05-22
Publication No.: US6013165APublication Date: 2000-01-11
- Inventor: John E. Wiktorowicz , Yefim Raysberg
- Applicant: John E. Wiktorowicz , Yefim Raysberg
- Applicant Address: CA Hayward
- Assignee: Lynx Therapeutics, Inc.
- Current Assignee: Lynx Therapeutics, Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: CA Hayward
- Main IPC: G01N27/447
- IPC: G01N27/447 ; G01N27/26
Disclosed are an apparatus, system, and method for two dimensional electrophoresis of analytes of interest, particularly polypeptides. The apparatus includes a sample separation cavity comprising (1) an electrophoresis region located along an upper portion of the cavity for performing charge and/or size-based electrophoresis in a first dimension along the upper portion, and (2) below the first said electrophoresis region, a second electrophoresis region for performing electrophoresis in a second dimension in a direction substantially perpendicular to the first dimension. In one preferred embodiment, the second electrophoresis region contains an isoelectric focusing region containing a continuous pKa gradient immobilized on at least one of the major opposing surfaces of the cavity.
Public/Granted literature
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Information query