US6091963A Multi-frequency band receiver for RF signal 失效

Multi-frequency band receiver for RF signal
The present invention relates to a receiver device comprising a receiver (104) adapted to receive radio signals in two frequency bands (FB1, FB2). The radio signals in one of the frequency bands (FB1) constitute communication signals for a radio system (AMPS, NMT) having a certain channel spacing, whereas the radio signals of the second frequency band (FB2) constitutes communication signals for a second radio system (PCS1900, DCS1800, GSM) having a second certain channel spacing. The receiver (104) comprises two inputs (108, 11) each intended for a radio system having different frequency bands and channel spacing. For radio signals occurring on one input (108), mixing is performed from the RF range directly to the baseband frequency range. For radio signals occurring on the second input (108) the mixing from the radio frequency range to the baseband frequency range is carried out through an intermediate frequency range. Further the receiver (104) comprises an output (112) intended to deliver baseband signals for both radio systems. The output (112) is connected to a baseband unit which is common to the radio systems. In the baseband unit, among other things, lowpass filtering, detection and neighbouring channel suppression are performed on the received radio signal that has been mixed down to the baseband frequency range.