US6118780A Communication network and method of operation for real time user selection of voice and/or data paths in the network 失效

Communication network and method of operation for real time user
selection of voice and/or data paths in the network
A user through a personal computer, in real time, controls the activation and selection of voice and data transmission paths in a communication network independent of network profiles. The network includes a public switched telephone network and a data network, e.g. the Internet for voice and/or data transmissions over either the voice or data networks. In the network, a voice terminal and a computer terminal are coupled to a shared voice and data terminal. A digital subscriber line access multiplexer is coupled to the shared voice and data terminal; the data network through a client server interface, and a voice network through an intelligent switch. The client server interface includes programmable stored data descriptive of network-authorized data and voice functions and transmission paths in the voice and data networks. The interface is linked to the multiplexer and switch for transmitting signaling messages directing traffic to the voice and data networks in accordance with the stored data. The computer terminal displays menus obtained from the client server which enable the user, in real time, to activate and select voice and/or data transmission paths through either the voice and/or data networks independent of pre-defined network profiles and/or traditional traffic assumptions.