Monitoring of nonlinear effects
An optical transmission system comprises a number of optical terminals connected by optical waveguides such as optical fibers. Nonlinear processes occurring within an optical transmission medium of the waveguide or within the optical terminals is detected by a monitor which outputs monitored data representative of the products of nonlinearity. The data is used to control the power of the optical signal such that power is regulated to avoid the onset of the nonlinear process. The data may also be used to indicate an alarm condition to an operator. A monitor for four wave mixing detection utilizes dither signals applied to respective frequency components of a wavelength division multiplexed signal, products of the four wave mixing process being detected in the monitor by correlation between a sample of a received optical signal and reference data representative of dither induced modulation in the four wave mixing product. Mutually orthogonal dither wave forms are derived from pseudo-random sequences and applied as low frequency modulations to transmitted optical signals. Such monitors allow optical power to be controlled and assist in locating defective equipment requiring remedial action. The invention has application to long haul optical transmission systems.