US06226060B1 Active matrix type liquid crystal display device having chromium alloy connecting portions at pixel electrode or near driving circuit terminals 失效

Active matrix type liquid crystal display device having chromium alloy connecting portions at pixel electrode or near driving circuit terminals
In an active matrix type liquid crystal display device, at least material of one element, forming the connecting portion between signal transfer lines related to the scan lines and the data signal lines of the device, is an alloy of at least a chemical element selected from the group consisting of Nb, Mo, Ta, and W, with Cr, the scan lines and means for generating scan pulses are connected to each other via a first opening formed in an insulating film, the data signal lines and the means for generating image data are connected to each other via a second opening formed in an insulating film, a polycrystalline thin film, which is connected to the means for generating scan pulses, is inserted into the first opening, and a polycrystalline thin film, which is connected to the means for generating image data, is inserted into the second opening, and the polycrystalline thin film is composed of indium tin oxide, which is made of mainly indium oxide and added tin oxide, having a specific resistance of, at the utmost, 6×10−4 &OHgr;cm.