Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method for controlling an automatic transmission
- Patent Title (中): 用于控制自动变速器的方法
Application No.: US09509247Application Date: 2000-03-23
Publication No.: US06314356B1Publication Date: 2001-11-06
- Inventor: Wolfgang Schmid , Gerhard Eschrich
- Applicant: Wolfgang Schmid , Gerhard Eschrich
- Priority: DE19743743 19971002
- Main IPC: G06F1700
- IPC: G06F1700
![Method for controlling an automatic transmission](/abs-image/US/2001/11/06/US06314356B1/abs.jpg.150x150.jpg)
A method for terminating a warm-up program of an automatic transmission driven by an internal combustion engine in which the engine operational capacity of the internal combustion engine is calculated and summed (S2, S3, S4) and the warm-up program is abandoned when the summed energy operational capacity (SUM(E)) exceeds a limit value (GW).
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