US06345617B1 Aerosol medication delivery apparatus and system 失效

Aerosol medication delivery apparatus and system
An improved aerosol medication delivery apparatus and system. The aerosol medication delivery apparatus includes a canister-holding portion and a chamber housing. The canister-holding portion has a receptacle for receipt of a pMDI canister containing a medication and a propellant to provide the aerosol medication delivery system. The canister-holding portion has a discharge orifice communicating with the receptacle to direct an aerosol into an interior of the chamber housing at an input end thereof. The chamber housing also has an output end from which medication can be withdrawn by inhalation by a patient. According to one aspect, the aerosol delivery system includes a containment baffle located at the output end of the chamber housing to partially block the output. According to another aspect, the canister-holding portion and the chamber housing are coupled together by a mechanism that provides for the canister-holding portion to be retracted into the chamber housing for storage. The coupling mechanism also allows the canister-holding portion to be extracted from its storage position in the chamber housing and pivoted into position for use when dispensing medication. In another aspect, an aerosol medication apparatus includes a chamber housing with an input end to receive the discharge of a medication from a pMDI canister and an output end including a containment baffle that partially blocks the output end. The pMDI canister may be received in an elastomeric backpiece that is adapted to accommodate various sizes of actuator boot mouthpieces.