Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Media disc holder
- Patent Title (中): 媒体光盘夹
Application No.: US09999750Application Date: 2001-10-31
Publication No.: US06557710B1Publication Date: 2003-05-06
- Inventor: Jonathan L. Levine
- Applicant: Jonathan L. Levine
- Main IPC: A47G2900
- IPC: A47G2900

A container for media disc cases having a plurality of slots so as to present the edges of the cases in a stacked format. A magnifying bar is slidably mounted on the container for positioning in front of the case edges to aid the user in reading the indicia thereon. A light located within the container focuses a beam along the edge surfaces of the disc cases to aid in reading the indicia on the cases through the magnifying bar.
Information query