Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Keypad annunciator graphical user interface
- Patent Title (中): 键盘报警器图形用户界面
Application No.: US09351058Application Date: 1999-07-12
Publication No.: US06737966B1Publication Date: 2004-05-18
- Inventor: Dale E. Calder
- Applicant: Dale E. Calder
- Main IPC: G08B2900
- IPC: G08B2900
![Keypad annunciator graphical user interface](/abs-image/US/2004/05/18/US06737966B1/abs.jpg.150x150.jpg)
A Keypad Annunciator Graphical User Interface, (KAGUI), for use by an operator of a process control system for presenting and responding to alarm state data generated by the process control system, is disclosed. The KAGUI provides an interactive display of a keypad annunciator on a monitor display screen. A panel manager display and a dynamic icon enhance operator awareness, in a multi-window display environment, of alarms. The KAGUI synchronizes alarm data presented by the KAGUI with process control system alarm data and informs the operator of the status of interprocess communication.
Information query