US06829060B2 Web-based imaging service providing manual duplexing 失效

Web-based imaging service providing manual duplexing
In a web-based imaging environment, a user selects the duplex printing option and elects to print. A destination service representing a printer then retrieves in order and prints the first sides of the user's image data, then issues a request to reload the copies. The destination service displays in the user's browser instructions specific to the selected printer for manually reloading the copies in a proper orientation for second side printing using the selected printer. After reloading, the user indicates that the pages have been reloaded, and the second sides of user's image data are retrieved in order and printed onto the non-printed surfaces opposite the first sides. In some variations, the printer provides status displays that first (second) sides are printing and/or indicates when the job is complete. Embodiments provide means of performing manual duplex printing by interacting with a printer through platform independent web-based imaging.