Devices for regulating the processing of harvested crop
An agricultural machine having at least one crop processing work unit, a plurality of crop transport units operatively assembled as a straw walker step, wherein the crop transport units convey crop streams in opposite directions and are spaced apart defining a crop through-gap, and a cleaning device having a forced-draught fan before the cleaning device, further comprising an exhaust fan located after the cleaning device, wherein the transport units are located between the forced-draught fan and the exhaust fan, wherein an air stream is produced by the forced-draught fan and the exhaust fan and is directed from the forced-draught fan to the exhaust fan, and wherein the air stream improves a cleaning process in the straw walker through-gap of the straw walker step.An agricultural machine having at least one crop processing work unit and an exhaust fan for carrying away a portion of the crop processed by working members for processing a plurality of crop streams out of an agricultural machine, comprising a crop distributing device operatively connected to the exhaust fan and having guide webs that are variable in position, wherein the crop distributing device has a first working position for receiving a first of the crop streams and a second of the crop streams and a second working position for receiving one of the crop streams, wherein in the first working position the first and the second crop streams are combined and discharged for broadcasting as a common crop stream, and wherein in the second working position the first of the crop streams is received and discharged and the second of the crop streams is conveyed and discharged from the working members in swath form separate from the first of the crop streams. The crop streams passing through the agricultural machine are conveyed with less turbulence. Long-stalked straw is deposited in a swath for later use, and short-stalked straw and chaff are discharged out of the agricultural harvester separate from and without whirling up again the crop swath.