Shape lockable apparatus and method for advancing an instrument through unsupported anatomy
Apparatus and methods are provided for placing and advancing a diagnostic or therapeutic instrument in a hollow body organ of a tortuous or unsupported anatomy, comprising a handle, an overtube disposed within a hydrophilic sheath, and a distal region having an atraumatic tip. The overtube may be removable from the handle, and have a longitudinal axis disposed at an angle relative to the handle. The sheath may be disposable to permit reuse of the overtube. Fail-safe tensioning mechanisms may be provided to selectively stiffen the overtube to reduce distension of the organ caused by advancement of the diagnostic or therapeutic instrument. The fail-safe tensioning mechanisms reduce the risk of reconfiguration of the overtube in the event that the tension system fails, and, in one embodiment, rigidizes the overtube without substantial proximal movement of the distal region. The distal region permits passive steering of the overtube caused by deflection of the diagnostic or therapeutic instrument, while the atraumatic tip prevents the wall of the organ from becoming caught or pinched during manipulation of the diagnostic or therapeutic instrument.