US07251012B2 Lithographic apparatus having a debris-mitigation system, a source for producing EUV radiation having a debris mitigation system and a method for mitigating debris 有权

Lithographic apparatus having a debris-mitigation system, a source for producing EUV radiation having a debris mitigation system and a method for mitigating debris
A lithographic apparatus is disclosed. The apparatus includes an illumination system that provides a beam of radiation, and a support structure that supports a patterning structure. The patterning structure is configured to impart the beam of radiation with a pattern in its cross-section. The apparatus also includes a substrate support that supports a substrate, a projection system that projects the patterned beam onto a target portion of the substrate, and a debris-mitigation system that mitigates debris particles which are formed during use of at least a part of the lithographic apparatus. The debris-mitigation system is arranged to apply a magnetic field so that at least charged debris particles are mitigated.