US07312110B2 Methods of fabricating semiconductor devices having thin film transistors 有权

Methods of fabricating semiconductor devices having thin film transistors
Methods of fabricating semiconductor devices are provided. An interlayer insulating layer is provided on a single crystalline semiconductor substrate. A single crystalline semiconductor plug is provided that extends through the interlayer insulating layer and a molding layer pattern is provided on the semiconductor substrate and the single crystalline semiconductor plug. The molding layer pattern defines an opening therein that at least partially exposes a portion of the single crystalline semiconductor plug. A single crystalline semiconductor epitaxial pattern is provided on the exposed portion of single crystalline semiconductor plug using a selective epitaxial growth technique that uses the exposed portion of the single crystalline semiconductor plug as a seed layer. A single crystalline semiconductor region is provided in the opening. The single crystalline semiconductor region includes at least a portion of the single crystalline semiconductor epitaxial pattern.