Invention Grant
US07793125B2 Method and apparatus for power throttling a processor in an information handling system
- Patent Title: Method and apparatus for power throttling a processor in an information handling system
- Patent Title (中): 用于在信息处理系统中对处理器进行功率调节的方法和装置
Application No.: US11621710Application Date: 2007-01-10
Publication No.: US07793125B2Publication Date: 2010-09-07
- Inventor: Robert Walter Berry, Jr. , Charles Ray Johns , Christopher J. Kuruts
- Applicant: Robert Walter Berry, Jr. , Charles Ray Johns , Christopher J. Kuruts
- Applicant Address: US NY Armonk
- Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
- Current Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
- Current Assignee Address: US NY Armonk
- Agent Matt Talpis; Mark P Kahler
- Main IPC: G06F1/32
- IPC: G06F1/32
A power system couples to a multi-core processor to provide power to the processor. The power system throttles at least one of the cores of the processor when the power that the processor consumes from the power system exceeds a predetermined threshold power. The power system may reduce the rate of instruction issue by a particular core or clock gate a particular core to provide power throttling. The power system dynamically responds to variance of the actual output voltage that processor circuitry receives from the power system in comparison to an expected output voltage over time and corrects for such variance.
Public/Granted literature
- US20080168287A1 Method and Apparatus for Power Throttling a Processor in an Information Handling System Public/Granted day:2008-07-10
Information query