Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Data communication network having multidimensional link structure
- Patent Title (中): 数据通信网络具有多维链路结构
Application No.: US11637048Application Date: 2006-12-12
Publication No.: US07944831B2Publication Date: 2011-05-17
- Inventor: Masato Kawahara , Hideaki Okayama
- Applicant: Masato Kawahara , Hideaki Okayama
- Applicant Address: JP Tokyo
- Assignee: Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
- Current Assignee: Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
- Current Assignee Address: JP Tokyo
- Agency: Rabin & Berdo, P.C.
- Priority: JP2005-359148 20051213
- Main IPC: G01R31/08
- IPC: G01R31/08
The present invention provides a data communication network that has a link structure that allows a large traffic-handling performance to be obtained with a small network construction cost. In the data communication network of the present invention, the nodes are assigned with m-dimensional coordinates (J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, . . . , Jm−1, Jm), in which any one of the coordinate values J1 to Jm is zero and the other coordinate values are all natural numbers, and each of said node is connected to other nodes which satisfy both of the following conditions (i) and (ii): (i) the coordinate Jp whose value is zero at said other node differs from a coordinate Jq whose value is zero at said node; and (ii) the value of coordinates other than the Jp and the Jq at said the other node all match the corresponding coordinate values of said node.
Public/Granted literature
- US20070133410A1 Data communication network having multidimensional link structure Public/Granted day:2007-06-14
Information query