Invention Grant
US08281215B1 Parallel processing error detection and location circuitry for configuration random-access memory
- Patent Title: Parallel processing error detection and location circuitry for configuration random-access memory
- Patent Title (中): 用于配置随机存取存储器的并行处理错误检测和位置电路
Application No.: US12917441Application Date: 2010-11-01
Publication No.: US08281215B1Publication Date: 2012-10-02
- Inventor: Ninh D. Ngo
- Applicant: Ninh D. Ngo
- Applicant Address: US CA San Jose
- Assignee: Altera Corporation
- Current Assignee: Altera Corporation
- Current Assignee Address: US CA San Jose
- Agency: Treyz Law Group
- Agent G. Victor Treyz; David C. Kellogg
- Main IPC: H03M13/00
- IPC: H03M13/00
Error detection and error location determination circuitry is provided for detecting and locating soft errors in random-access-memory arrays on programmable integrated circuits. The random-access-memory arrays contain rows and columns of random-access-memory cells. Some of the cells are loaded with configuration data and produce static output signals that are used to program associated regions of programmable logic. Cyclic redundancy check error correction check bits are computed for each column of an array. The cyclic redundancy check error correction check bits are stored in corresponding columns of cells in the array. During normal operation of an integrated circuit in a system, the cells are subject to soft errors caused by background radiation strikes. The error detection and error location determination circuitry uses parallel processing to continuously monitor the data to identify the row and column location of each error.
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