US08286495B2 Torque insensitive header assembly 失效

Torque insensitive header assembly
There is disclosed a high pressure sensing header which is relatively insensitive to mounting torque. The header comprises an outer torque isolating shell which surround an inner “H” section header. The inner “H” section header has a thick diaphragm and is surrounded by the torque isolating shell which is secured to the “H” section header at a peripheral flange of the “H” section header. In this manner when the header is installed, the installation force is absorbed by the outer shell and there is no installation force or torque exhibited by the inner “H” section which will respond only to stress due to pressure. The torque isolating shell also contains a top surface which has a counterbore that accommodates a crush ring. When the unit is installed, the crush ring is crushed against an installation wall to enable the inner header to receive pressure without experiencing significant installation force.