Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Methods and apparatus for heart failure treatment
- Patent Title (中): 心力衰竭治疗方法及装置
Application No.: US12613035Application Date: 2009-11-05
Publication No.: US08356594B2Publication Date: 2013-01-22
- Inventor: Anthony John Ujhazy , Jonathan Caldwell Wright , Glenn Richards , David John Bassin , Michael Berthon-Jones
- Applicant: Anthony John Ujhazy , Jonathan Caldwell Wright , Glenn Richards , David John Bassin , Michael Berthon-Jones
- Applicant Address: AU
- Assignee: ResMed Limited
- Current Assignee: ResMed Limited
- Current Assignee Address: AU
- Agency: Lerner, David, Littenberg, Krumholz & Mentlik, LLP
- Main IPC: A62B9/00
- IPC: A62B9/00
![Methods and apparatus for heart failure treatment](/abs-image/US/2013/01/22/US08356594B2/abs.jpg.150x150.jpg)
Methods and apparatus for assessing the condition of and treating patients for heart failure by the delivery of continuous positive airway pressure are disclosed. Treatment of obstruction due to reflex vocal cord closure often experienced by heart failure patients is distinguished from treatment of upper airway obstruction typically associated with Obstructive Sleep Disorder Treatment may also be implemented by delivering synchronized cardiac pressure oscillations superimposed on a respiratory pressure level to provide assistance for the heart. Heart treatment pressure dose indicator may be calculated for prescribing and monitoring the delivery of treatment. The apparatus may also generate data to track heart failure condition that may be indicative of the degree of severity of heart failure based upon breathing patterns to assist in the diagnosis and management of heart failure patients.
Public/Granted literature
- US20100043795A1 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR HEART FAILURE TREATMENT Public/Granted day:2010-02-25
Information query