Light emitting device having a plurality of light emitting cells
The present invention relates to a light emitting device including at least three pairs of half-wave light emitting units, each pair including a terminal of a first half-wave light emitting unit connected to a terminal of a second half-wave light emitting unit, the terminals having the same polarity, a polarity of the connected terminals of one half-wave light emitting unit pair being opposite to the polarity of the connected terminals of an adjacent half-wave light emitting unit. The light emitting device also includes at least two full-wave light emitting units each connected to adjacent pairs of half-wave light emitting units. The half-wave light emitting units and the full-wave light emitting units each have at least one light emitting cell, the half-wave light emitting units each have a first terminal and a second terminal, the full-wave light emitting units each have a third terminal having the same polarity as the first terminal and a fourth terminal having the same polarity as the second terminal, and the third terminal of each full-wave light emitting unit being connected to the second terminal of adjacent half-wave light emitting units and the fourth terminal of each half-wave light emitting unit being connected to the first terminal of adjacent half-wave light emitting units.