US09282451B2 Automatic location identification (ALI) service requests steering, connection sharing and protocol translation 有权

Automatic location identification (ALI) service requests steering, connection sharing and protocol translation
An ALI/ESME steering gateway bridges the nationwide ALI/ESME network notes (or PSAPs) with the GMLC/MPCs of various different XPC networks. The steering gateway provides a unified interface between the PSAP/ALI network and positioning centers (GMLC/MPC/VPCs). Using the steering gateway, an E911 service provider accesses positioning centers (GMLC/MPC/VPC) of any XPC network. This access by the ALI to the positioning center is accomplished with any type of interface, irregardless of the protocol type. The connectivity of each virtual communication path between ALIs and PSAPs is managed. The ALI/ESME steering gateway also provides translation of the protocols between the two ALI-MPC interface sets (inbound and outbound). The ALI/ESME steering gateway also consolidates (or “de-duplicates”) any/all duplicated requests from a same ALI or PSAP for the same emergency call so that only one request is then sent to the destined positioning center within the relevant network.