US09334718B2 Processing time series data embedded in high noise 有权

Processing time series data embedded in high noise
Automatic detection and accurate time picking of weak events embedded in strong noise such as microseismicity induced by hydraulic fracturing is accomplished by: a noise reduction step to separate out the noise and estimate its spectrum; an events detection and confidence indicator step, in which a new statistical test is applied to detect which time windows contain coherent arrivals across components and sensors in the multicomponent array and to indicate the confidence in this detection; and a time-picking step to accurately estimate the time of onset of the arrivals detected above and measure the time delay across the array using a hybrid beamforming method incorporating the use of higher order statistics. In the context of hydraulic fracturing, this could enhance the coverage and mapping of the fractures while also enabling monitoring from the treatment well itself where there is usually much higher and spatially correlated noise.