US09408290B2 Method and apparatus for recirculation with control of synchrotron radiation 有权

Method and apparatus for recirculation with control of synchrotron radiation
A method for controlling beam quality degradation from ISR and CSR and stabilizing the microbunching instability (μBI) in a high brightness electron beam. The method includes providing a super-periodic second order achromat line with each super period being individually linearly achromatic and isochronous, setting individual superperiod tunes to rational fractions of an integer (such as 4th or 6th integers), setting individual bend angles to be as small as practical to reduce driving terms due to dispersion and dispersive angle, and setting bend radii as large enough to suppress ISR but not negatively affect the radial dependence of CSR. The method includes setting the structure of the individual superperiods to minimize bend plane beam envelope values in the dipoles to reduce betatron response to a CSR event at a dispersed location, increasing beam angular divergence, and creating dispersion nodes in the dipoles to similarly reduce response to CSR events, and limit R56 modulation in order to mitigate μBI.