Vessel closure member, delivery apparatus, and method of inserting the member
An apparatus which includes a closure member and delivery systems for closing vessels in the body of a patient is disclosed. In one embodiment, the closure member is a hemostatic closure member having a cylindrical shape and an expandable volume on contact with fluids. The hemostatic member includes a functional passageway through the length of the member so that it may be mounted over a delivery catheter or wire guide for delivery against a vessel puncture or into another vacuslar environment, such as to fill an aneurysm sac. In another embodiment the closure member is a fallopian tube closure member which is deployed into the fallopian tube over a guide wire to prevent conception. The fallopian tube member includes a loop-shaped frame having barbs, a first layer of material, a binding wire, a second layer of material, and an expandable volume on contact with fluids.