Vibration isolation devices
A device for isolating vibration and motion which may be used to dampen or isolate vibrations and motion from heating, ventilation, air conditioning, mechanical and/or electro-mechanical equipment to reduce or eliminate the deleterious effects of vibration, movement and excessive noise created by the equipment. The device includes one or more pairs of vertical limiters, one or more springs, a pair of and at least two flanges. The frame members are each in a fixed relation to at least one vertical limiter which has a slot therein wherein the vertical limiters each have a respective engagement portion/cross beam which is partially passed through the opposing vertical limiters slot such that the vertical limiter pair allows the flanges each to move in toward or away from each other, but wherein the vertical limiters function as to prevent twisting or sliding of the flanges with respect to each other. The spring assemblies and vertical limiters receive and diminish the undesirable phenomena created by the equipment or other sources of vibrations or motion.