A color image forming system allows color image formation using a color (special color) except for yellow (Y), magenta (M), cyan (C), and black (BK) normally used in color image recording. Palette tables in which data defining use of the special colors (S1 to S4) in addition to Y, M, C, and BK are supplied from a host image data supply apparatus to a printer. At the same time, image data is transmitted in the form of data for allowing selection of the defined data in the palette tables. The printer uses Y, M, C, and BK heads and heads of the special colors S1 to S4. A control unit in the printer stores each palette table for each color (508) and outputs a driving signal to the corresponding head on the basis of the corresponding palette table.
An image output apparatus according to the present invention is able to additionally output another image data item to a desired position to which subject image data is outputted and able to repeatedly output the same image or repeatedly output the image while rotating the image. A setting unit 716 shown in Fig. 38 sets the image repetition portion, the number of the repetitions and the rotation of the image. An image read by a reader 701 is stored into a memory 711, and a reading counter 714 changes the reading address of the memory 711 in accordance with set information. Hence, a desired repeated image or the rotated image is outputted to a printer 915.