An energy absorbing load carrying strut (10) is provided by laterally restraining a malleable column (Y) against eccentric loading bending moments. Lateral restraint is provided by a sleeve (18) extending around the column and, in some embodiments, a rod (72) extending through the column. The sleeve (18) and rod (72) extend over the full length of the column and are so secured as to laterally restrain the column against buckling and not be subject to substantial axial loading as the result of axial loading of the column. The restraint thus provided enables the column to maintain its load carrying capacity while being loaded beyond its yield point.
An energy absorbing load carrying strut (10) is provided by laterally restraining a malleable column (Y) against eccentric loading bending moments. Lateral restraint is provided by a sleeve (18) extending around the column and, in some embodiments, a rod (72) extending through the column. The sleeve (18) and rod (72) extend over the full length of the column and are so secured as to laterally restrain the column against buckling and not be subject to substantial axial loading as the result of axial loading of the column. The restraint thus provided enables the column to maintain its load carrying capacity while being loaded beyond its yield point.
Une entretoise portante a absorption d'energie (10) est obtenue en retenant lateralement une colonne malleable (Y) contre des moments excentriques de flexion de charge. La contrainte laterale est produite par un manchon (18) s'etendant autour de la colonne et, dans certains modes de realisation, par une tige (72) qui s'etend au travers de la colonne. Le manchon (18) et la tige (72) s'etendent sur toute la longueur de la colonne et sont fixes de maniere a limiter lateralement le gauchissement de la colonne et a ne pas la soumettre a une charge sensiblement axiale resultant du chargement axial de la colonne. La contrainte ainsi produite permet a la colonne de garder sa capacite portante tout en etant chargee au-dela de son point de flechissement.