An apparatus for collecting mineral particles in a slurry or the tailings is disclosed. The apparatus may take the form of a filter, a conveyor belt or an impeller to be used in a processor to collect mineral particles in the slurry, or in a tailings pond to collect mineral particles in the tailings. The filter, conveyor belt or impeller has a collection area made of or coated with a polymer or a polymer-coated material having a functional group, either anionic or cationic to attach to the mineral particles. Alternatively, the synthetic material has hydrophobic molecules to render the collection area hydrophobic. When the mineral particles in the slurry or tailings are combined with collector molecules, the mineral particles also become hydrophobic. The hydrophobic mineral particles are attracted to the hydrophobic collection area. The filter, conveyor belt and impeller may have a plurality of passage ways in order to increase the contacting surfaces.
An apparatus for collecting mineral particles in a slurry or the tailings is disclosed. The apparatus may take the form of a filter, a conveyor belt or an impeller to be used in a processor to collect mineral particles in the slurry, or in a tailings pond to collect mineral particles in the tailings. The filter, conveyor belt or impeller has a collection area made of or coated with a polymer or a polymer-coated material having a functional group, either anionic or cationic to attach to the mineral particles. Alternatively, the synthetic material has hydrophobic molecules to render the collection area hydrophobic. When the mineral particles in the slurry or tailings are combined with collector molecules, the mineral particles also become hydrophobic. The hydrophobic mineral particles are attracted to the hydrophobic collection area. The filter, conveyor belt and impeller may have a plurality of passage ways in order to increase the contacting surfaces.