An ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system is provided in which a portion of an ultrasonic image can be selected for enlarged display as a "zoom" image. When the image portion is displayed in its enlarged format, the bandwidth of a filter in the ultrasonic information path is extended to increase the information content of the image portion when displayed in its enlarged format. The bandwidth is continuously optimized to maximize information content in consideration of the characteristics of the display while preventing the generation of scintillation artifacts caused by attempts to display information of an excessive bandwidth.
An ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system is provided in which a portion of an ultrasonic image can be selected for enlarged display as a "zoom" image. When the image portion is displayed in its enlarged format, the bandwidth of a filter in the ultrasonic information path is extended to increase the information content of the image portion when displayed in its enlarged format. The bandwidth is continuously optimized to maximize information content in consideration of the characteristics of the display while preventing the generation of scintillation artifacts caused by attempts to display information of an excessive bandwidth.
An ultrasonic diagnostic system is provided which automatically sets up the TGC characteristic to be used for a given ultrasound examination. Upon user selection of a particular ultrasound application, a setup controller accesses a predetermined TGC characteristic for the selected application. The predetermined TGC characteristic is used to control the gain of a TGC amplifier and is also displayed to the user. By adjustment of a series of TGC controls the user can vary the TGC characteristic from the predetermined characteristic.