Computerized tools for modeling database designs and specifying queries of the data contained therein. Once it is determined that an information system needs to be created, the Fact Complier (100) of the present invention is invoked to create it. After creating the information system, the user creates a fact-tree, using the Fact &cir& _Tree &cir& _Specification Module (300), as a prelude to generating queries to the system. After creating the fact-tree, the user verifies that it is correct, using the Tree Interpreter, invoked as Fact &cir& _Tree &cir& _to &cir& _Description Module (500), of the present invention. Once the fact-tree has been verified, the Query Mapper of the present invention, invoked as Fact &cir& _Tree &cir& _to &cir& _SQL &cir& _Query Module (400), is used to generate information system queries.