A needle assembly includes a needle member (10) and a blunting member (26), the needle member (10) containing a needle cannula (12), the needle cannula (12) having a puncture tip (14) and having a needle passageway therethrough. The blunting member (26) contains a blunting probe (28) having a blunt end (28a). The needle cannula (12) and the blunting probe (28) are disposed telescopically one within the other without obstructing flow through the needle passageway, and are movable between a sharpened configuration in which the puncture tip (14) of the needle cannula (12) is exposed and a blunted configuration in which the blunt end (28a) of the blunting probe (28) extends beyond the puncture tip (14) to blunt the needle assembly. The assembly may be combined with an accessory device (such as a catheter hub, guide wire, etc.) to produce an apparatus that is lockable in a blunted configuration and that can be released by the associated accessory, or may be configured to be released by manual manipulation.
The present invention relates to a self-blunting blood collection needle (55) in which a blunting member (26a) is deployed upon withdrawal of a blood collection tube (56a) from the tube holder (e.g., 136), to blunt the needle (22) and so safeguard the patient and the technician from inadvertent needle sticks. The blunting member (26a) is retracted to re-sharpen the needle (22) when a subsequent collection tube is inserted into the holder (136). The deployment and retraction of the blunting member (26a) is accomplished with a mechanism (142) that is responsive to the insertion and withdrawal of the blood collection tube (56a) to retract and deploy the blunding member (26a) accordingly. One feature of the present invention is that the mechanism (142) effects blunting and re-sharpening of the needle without requiring that the technician manipulates the mechanism in a manner different from that of conventional, non-blunting collection needles. Four mechanisms are disclosed: a rack and pinion mechanism (42); a cylindrical cam mechanism (142); a lever mechanism (242) and a reversing strap mechanism (342).