A reader/writer (RW) requires identification of anti-collision techniques used by IC cards (A, B, C, and D). The IC cards implement answers to the anti-collision technique identification requirement by the reader/writer at different timings respectively for respective IC cards among the IC cards which use different anti-collision techniques respectively. The reader/writer requires identifications of types of the IC cards in dependence upon the anti-collision techniques in response to the answers by the IC cards. The IC cards return identification data thereof in response to the card type identification requirements by the reader/writer for respective IC cards among the IC cards which use different anti-collision techniques respectively. The reader/writer identifies the types of the IC cards in response to the identification data of the respective IC cards.
A reader/writer (RW) requires identification of anti-collision techniques used by IC cards (A, B, C, and D). The IC cards implement answers to the anti-collision technique identification requirement by the reader/writer at different timings respectively for respective IC cards among the IC cards which use different anti-collision techniques respectively. The reader/writer requires identifications of types of the IC cards in dependence upon the anti-collision techniques in response to the answers by the IC cards. The IC cards return identification data thereof in response to the card type identification requirements by the reader/writer for respective IC cards among the IC cards which use different anti-collision techniques respectively. The reader/writer identifies the types of the IC cards in response to the identification data of the respective IC cards.