A method for acoustic, particularly ultrasonic receive beamforming, especially designed for ultrasonic imaging, including the steps of transmitting, through an array of transmitting electroacoustic transducers, at least one beam of acoustic waves into one body under examination, which waves are transmitted at a first transmission frequency; receiving the acoustic waves reflected by the body under examination through an array of receiving electroacoustic transducers; synchronizing the signals received from each transducer by applying receive delays to the various receive signals from the different transducers; summing the synchronized signals from the different transducers; separating, from the receive signals, the component having a second frequency different from the transmission frequency, particularly the frequency of an even harmonic of the transmission frequency; transforming the sum signals at a harmonic , especially the second harmonic, of the transmission frequency, into image data of the structure of the body under examination, to be displayed by display means. According to the invention, delays are also determined as a function of the frequency of the receive signal that is selected for image construction, and as a linear or non linear function of the position of the receiving transducers in the array of receiving transducers.
A method of ultrasonic detection and localization of contrast agent microbubbles wherein the decision as to whether or not the received ultrasonic signals indicate the presence of a single microbubble or a small microbubble population is made by analyzing the projections of the spectra of said received ultrasonic signals in multidimensional spaces, and by comparing such projections with the projections in said multidimensional spaces of sample control signals corresponding to known conditions of presence and/or absence of single microbubbles and/or small microbubble populations.
The invention addresses a method for optimizing transmit and receive ultrasound pulses, particularly for ultrasonic imaging, wherein transmit pulses are generated from ultrasonic pulse contributions of each of a plurality of electroacoustic transducers, which are grouped in an array and are individually energized by electric excitation signals, an excitation signal being applied to each individual transducer of the array with a predetermined delay with respect to the application of the excitation signal to the other transducers, and a weight being applied to the excitation signal of each transducer for increasing/decreasing the amplitude of the excitation signal and, as a result, of the acoustic signal generated by the transducer. The invention envisages to optimize at least the amplitude weights of the individual transducers' contributions, by defining an energy function and by minimizing it. By using stochastic or evolutionary algorithms, the minimization of the energy function provides a weight vector for the contributions of the individual transducers, which leads to transmit or receive pulses having a predetermined minimum distance from desired pulses. As described regarding transmission, optimization may be also applied to reception. Here at least the amplitude weights of receive signal contributions to the comprehensive signal are optimized. The aim is to generate and receive ultrasonic pulses which have an optimal mechanical pressure and beam pattern profile with respect to the propagation depth within the body under examination.