A method of classifying slices or a portion cut from a food product according to an optical image of the slice. After a slice (17) is removed from a food product loaf the slice is passed into an image field of a digital image receiving device (34). A control (12) generates a pixel-by-pixel image data of the slice using input from the digital image receiving device. The control calculates a surface area of the slice from the data, and a fat content of the slice on a pixel-by-pixel basis. The fat content data is compared to at least one predetermined limit and the slice is classified accordingly.
A slicing and conveying system (28) forms a three or more flavor-combined draft. Slicing machine slice a succession of first slices in the form of shingled draft side-by-side (A, B, C, D) on an output conveyor (180). An overlap conveyor merges side-by-side shingled drafts into an elongated combined draft. Sensors (192, 194) determine the lengths of the side-by-side drafts and the combined drafts. A control receives input from the sensors and outputs a control signal to the output conveyors to adjust the spacing of the slices.