A method of testing a transformer prior to installation in a high-pressure environment, comprises the steps of: a) providing a transformer core comprising a stack of laminations; b) applying a mechanical compression force to the stack, the force being at least equivalent to the ambient pressure of the high-pressure environment; and c) testing the electrical efficiency of the transformer.
A power and data supply system includes circuitry for supplying power and data to an output via a common transmission line, comprising: a DC power source; a data signal source; a modulator for generating a modulated signal in dependence on the data signal; and a switching means for switching the DC power, the switching means controlled by the modulated signal, such that the switching means in use generates an AC signal for output to the transmission line; a transmission line for receiving the AC signal from the switching means, and means for extracting the data from the AC signal received from the transmission line.
A transformer comprises: a core formed from a plurality of planar laminations (11, 12) stacked together adjacent one another to lie substantially parallel; electrically insulating spacing means (13) provided between each of the laminations and a lamination adjacent thereto to separate them so as to provide a plurality of voids (14) in the core, each of which is between a lamination and a lamination adjacent thereto; and an electrically insulating fluid located within and filling said voids.