The network comprising communication supports (31, 32, 33) sending streams (36) to receiving agents (37, 38, 39), the method comprises at least: - a step of allocating a cryptonymic identity (34) to communication supports by a first instance A, the streams (36) sent by a support bearing a mark dependent on its cryptonym, the cryptonymic identity of a support being distinct from its real identity; - a step of reading and analyzing (41, 42) the streams by a second instance B (22), said analysis comprising a phase of identifying streams to their communication supports by searching for similitude between the mark of the streams and the cryptonymic identity of the supports, with the aid of a table referencing the cryptonyms, and a phase of logging observable characteristics of the streams through the network; a behaviour defined by a set of characteristics is declared typical or atypical by comparison with a given set of criteria, the table of cryptonymic identities having no relationship with the real identities. The invention applies in particular for combating illegal downloads, the sending of material which is unsolicited or which may cover up identifiable malicious intentions.